Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Let's go to... New Jersey?

We are sitting in the lobby area of the airport right across from the bag drop for Continental/American/Delta airlines. My father insisted that we leave at 9:30 to “allow enough time,” so now we are here early and waiting on the rest of the team to arrive.

Charlotte Airport has a wireless network, but it doesn’t work well. Here, anyway. I’m hoping that once we get near our gate the connection will be better. It won’t let me pull up any web page, but it says I’m connected. The connection signal is only 1 bar. Apparently that translates into no internet.

So far there are 5 of us here, minus my father. He went off somewhere to try and fix my mother’s frequent flier miles to work right. Or something like that.

Yay. 2 more of our team members are now here. They are currently dropping off their checked bags. Well, it’s 12:00. 4 of our team members are officially late.

I think I might start keeping count of how many times the loudspeaker comes on and tells us not to carry anyone else’s bags and keep a close watch… yada yada. The airport announcer person has already repeated this message at least 5 times already since we’ve been here. Right on cue, as soon as I finished typing this, he told us again.

Now I’m sitting on the ground so the computer can be plugged into the outlet at our gate- A12- and probably will be for the next hour or so. Until they let us on the plane, that is. I’m also talking to my history teacher through Skype, and trying to ignore the airport announcements.

There is a lady beside me who is using the same outlet I am for a laptop. My mother has been having a friendly conversation with her and we have learned that she is a teacher from Oregon. I’m not really sure why or if this is in any way relevant, but I guess it doesn’t matter.

We board in about 20 minutes to go to Newark, NJ. And then from there to Mumbai. It is only 2 hours to NJ, but the flight to Mumbai is 14 hours long. :O

Oh. I was mistaken. Actually, were supposed to be boarding in about 5 minutes. So, I’m going to go ahead and post this to make sure I don’t run out of time.

Aufedersein, North Carolina :)


Anonymous said...

Safe travels my friends! You are in my prayers! Have a great time, spread some good will, and learn a few things to share with us!

Katiedidtoo said...

Amanda you have got this blogging DOWN. Keep it up!! I'm living vicariously through you!